Dear All,
Despite many challenges from financial to HR to logistics, we were to complete donation and delivery of 7289 Bikes in year 2019 and managed to reach 14 States and Regions in Myanmar. The video is a summary of the result we have achieved in 2019 and in year 2020, we hope to delivery around 10,000 to 15,000 bicycles. It will not be possible without the support of teachers, donors and partners.
Due to busy schedule, I am not able to constantly update our delivery on the blog and hence using facebook as the main page to update our progress, please kindly like and follow our facebook page.
Mike Than Tun Win
Dear Mr Maguba,
We wish to help you . We are following Mikes lead, we believe that there is huge opportunity for this idea on a global scale .
Our team in Ghana 🇬🇠and myself and team in NewYork 🇺🇸. are very interested in setting up arrangements that do not rely merely on non profit donations to deliver millions of bikes into needy hands , we believe we have a business model that will repurpose the entire stock of wasted bikes across the globe and your story of the girl’s transportation challenges is worthy of support .
i sincerely hope you can get in touch with myself and my team in Ghana.
How many bikes do you need?…
Seems we have the same thinking.
Please let’s arrange a call soon with deep respect for you and your team and your courage and action, in becoming the change you seek.
I wonder if you would consider becoming an advisor to our growing project. Our objective isn’t just to import a few thousand bikes to Ghana but to set up an economic circular buisness model, which will eventually reuse 100% of all the wasted bikes across China .
We deeply hope that many people who share these objectives can help and benefit from your lead.
Merry Xmas we hope to hear from you.
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Greetings! I am a retired journalist and I have an idea of teaming up with a local radio here in Mwanza Tanzania in East. Africa for a less walk campaign to school students from poor families in our villages. Here it is not only to help the students get more time to study but also to save girl students from men who chances of long distance to demand sex for transport service they offer to the girls. If you may come for support I will be happy. My e mail is pmabuga2000@yahoo